Retraining the Thoroughbred for Dressage

Retraining the Thoroughbred Racehorse for Dressage By Yvonne Barteau Many of you may not know that I spent seven years working with standardbred and thoroughbred racehorses around the racetracks of the United States and Canada. I started as a groom and I learned so so much about caring for young,…

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Indy Chapter Six

By Yvonne Barteau With our regular show season underway things got super busy here at KYB Dressage. Coincidently, Indy got a stone bruise in turnout that eventually abscessed. Indy does NOT enjoy stall rest or being left out of any activities. He was an impatient patient and as soon as…

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Indy: The Fifth Installment

Finally getting to enjoy the great outdoors with Indy . . . This section is for KYB Connected members only.   Please sign up today to get your ringside seat at KYB Connected! Click here to go to the sign up page. If you are already a KYB Connected member…

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Indy: The Fourth Installment

This week Indy and I focused on a little more balance under saddle, we introduced the pedestal which he had no issues with whatsoever and we worked on his lay down response being more prompt and then staying down until I tell him to get up. I have incorporated a…

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