Contact, Connection and Throughness
This three day seven hour course offers a one hour lecture and six riding lessons
designed for beginner to advanced riders. The subject addresses proper connection, suppling, half halts and their importance in every day riding and schooling.
Price - $350
Intensive Equitation
This two or three day course is designed to help you become more independent in your seat and to understand the effect proper rider position has on your horse as well as your riding. Series includes two half hour long lessons and one riding session per day where the focus is on your rider position and seat development. Price - Two days $200 / Three days $300
Understanding and Riding Freestyles to Music
Take the mystery out of designing a freestyle. let the award winning freestyle designers at KYB help you with everything from music selection to choreography. Many tips for riding and designing freestyles will be shared in this three day course which includes lectures, mounted sessions and step by step instructions for riding to music either in competition or exhibition.
Price - $400
Test Riding
All levels of competitive riders will find essential information on how to best present your horse in the competition arena. Tips on warm up, show strategy, and gaining not losing valuable points in front of a judge will be covered in this three day seven hour course. One hour lecture and six mounted sessions will give you a great opportunity to improve your scores in the competition arena.
Price - $350 |
Young Horse Workshops
For anyone who has a young horse or wants to better understand beginning work with any young horse. Basic handling issues as well as starting up procedures will be discussed and demonstrated in this three day seven hour course divided up between round pen work and lectures. Separate price if you bring your own horse.
Price - $350
Basic Liberty Work
Who hasn't wondered how a movie horse learns his job? This one of a kind course offers rare insight into the training of a horse at Liberty with demonstration horses who are just starting out and finished exhibition horses available for your education.
Price - Three day six hour course $350
Understanding Horse Personalities
Author of Ride the Right Horse 2007 Equine Book of the Year explains equine personalities to you and demonstrates her theory with many examples in this unmounted clinic study that will help you achieve better understanding of any horse you might meet or own. Presentation includes signed copy of her book and a question and answer session.
Price - 2 hrs. $100. |